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chris i hate to be the bearer of bad news but christina’s thoughts are starting to enter your head .
Chris you better make friends with you alter-ego before its consumes you.
So it begins. . .
No wonder Holly had a thing for Kayla.
two typos: casual not causal; with Holly and me.
Am i the only one that noticed in the last panel how chris has a rather “flat” area where his penis should be and how defined his butt is?
It’s not different from panel 1 from what I can see. Just a different angle from the last page is all.
Am i the only one that feels bad for Christina? In all fairness, she has no idea what’s going on, suddenly wakes up naked next to a naked Holly, and is now being repressed. most of the issues that will arise will undoubtedly come from a lack of communication with Christina. Given, her being aware of what’s going on and wanting to come out will be a whole new set of issues, but right now they’re keeping the poor girl alone in the dark, confused.
I feel bad for her too, first she is created then stuffed away
well from the start I felt sorry for her cause she hsa not even had a childhood,how sad.
well she thinks she does as his but with her memories which must be tough with all thoese boy stuff she must have done then. But I do agree Chris should give her more a chance to grow
I suppose you could look at it that way… but isn’t she basically a body-snatcher? She takes over Chris’ body against his will. That’s pretty terrifying.
Not to mention that she’s apparently starting to influence Chris’ male thoughts while he’s in his own body. That’s even MORE creepy.
Terrifying? Yes, Creepy? hardly. I wouldn’t call her a body snatcher simply because she has no choice. She was brought into consciousness in Chris’s body. She has no choice in the matter and really all she really can do is fight for control. Is she supposed just lay down and die?
o I hope chris transform soon or he could go do more shoping try on new things mattk