Different Perspectives Page 162

By | March 12, 2015

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2 years ago

chris you got some explaining to do and fast before your girlfriend holly decides to dump you as her ex – boyfriend . and you should make it a good and believeabel .

7 years ago

Do I hear the sound of someone life crashing?

10 years ago

can’t way to hear him telling the truth and how it will be receved

10 years ago

Selfie? Lol no guy says selfie that’s gay shit

Reply to  Takumio
10 years ago

Is it? or is it his feminine side coming out?

James Caras
10 years ago

I don’t think Holly can handle the truth.

Reply to  James Caras
10 years ago

I predict a “prove it” move when she’s told the truth

10 years ago

So Christina may make an appearance sooner than we thought, though Holly’s reaction to any of this will be good.

Alaster Boneman
10 years ago

your dead man, but hay you can turn into a woman start a new life somewhere else

matthew kingston
10 years ago

I can not wait for next one, will not be able to sleep tonight mattk