Different Perspectives Page 140

By | February 18, 2015

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2 years ago

boy this is going to be one strange night for chris as scarlet . how is he going to deal with the situation that he just found himself in .

6 years ago

That outfit with the matching heels ? and that red ? car gives a whole new meaning to Chri’s mother’s name.

10 years ago

Good work!

10 years ago

Booze will only weaken Chris’s hold on the fake Scarlett’s mind and body, especially since he’s not used to it. That will leave the door wide open for Scarlett’s mentality to completely take over. This is going to be so bad for Chris and so good for Mark. He’s going to have two Scarlett’s to enjoy. What a lucky guy.

10 years ago

Oh this cannot *possibly* end well for Chris. Though it may just end well for us!

Also: Still. FREAKING. HOT.

10 years ago

he’s getting exactly what he deserves…messing around like this……

Hobo K
10 years ago

I’m calling it right here: this is going to be a night he will NEVER forget…whether he wants to or not.

10 years ago

I think this the way that Mark will ask Scarlett/Chris to married him. I will have a engagement ring to and will Scarlett/Chris say yes, and stay at hotel for the night.