Different Perspectives Page 127

By | February 4, 2015

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2 years ago

well chris you cleared the first hurdle get your teachers computer password . now the rest of the plan should be simple to follow .

10 years ago

i was wondering if i miss christina was without panties as sharon stone

10 years ago

Blue nails again. 😮

Reply to  TeeracK
10 years ago

Ooh! I hadn’t noticed that! Interesting! O.o

10 years ago

Actually, that password is not terribly good. It’s better than average, sure, but it’s still one dictionary word with a tiny hash appended. A computer could guess that password relatively quickly compared to the XKCD staple: correcthorsebatterystaple.

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

People need to quit nitpicking the password issue….its just a story ok…let it go!!!

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

I was more impressed by how Chris can actually remember that without writing it down.

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
8 years ago

She is the TG spy :D.

10 years ago

I have to say, i’m liking the Ms Turner look

10 years ago

It looks like Ms Turner has slimmer hips than Holly

Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

Miss Turner with Holly’s body, this could mean either one could take over.

10 years ago

As a network admin I will say that the situation shown above physically can not happen. No domain control system Window’s or Linux will allow the admin to retrieve a users password, in fact the computer itself does not even store it. Instead a hashing or non reversible encryption algorithm is used to store something generated from the password. When a user enters their password this same hashing\encryption is done to what they typed and then the two encrypted passwords are compared. The domain admin has the authority to overwrite a users password or lock the user out but recover… Read more »

Christine  Puchalski
Reply to  Anomerly
10 years ago

I would think it would be able to b done due to the fact that school networks have to have so many administrative overrides due to staff changes,school network access, and state monitoring…. u can’t have an entire school or class schedule b altered just because a teacher gets fired or quits or extended sickness

Reply to  Anomerly
10 years ago

Thank you. You said it better than I could have
I knew hashing was involved but forgot that only the hash was stored so you can not reverse engineer the password. Many years ago you could. On AIX through smitty you could go into recovery mode snd edit /etc/passwd and remove the root password so you could regain access to a server. Do think you can anymore. Noes there’s new ways.

Reply to  SandraC
10 years ago

No, however you can mount a registry hive over an existing one if you boot from an alterative OS with the same version. This will allow you to log on with the password in the upper hive (known password) and then if you reset this password it is written to both hives. Reboot and use your new password. This will allow you to change the administrative password on any windows machine without knowing what the old one was, but again the old can not be recovered, and you do need physical access and control of the boot order to do… Read more »

Reply to  Anomerly
10 years ago

y’all do realize this is a comic, not real at all, that’s the least important detail at all. Congrats on flexing your “I’m smarter than you muscles”.

Reply to  Willykinz
10 years ago

How is this any different than picking on any other aspect of the comic in the past. I thought people could discuss things here that they found interesting. I guess not

Reply to  Anomerly
10 years ago

It can be cracked as well, and quickly. We use to do it all the time at my high school running Windows XP with a novell overlay. You’d jack the MD5 keys during startup, and then run it through a decrypter. It would take about 20 minutes to get every password on the network (a bit over 8k passwords). We’d use it to get windows admin access to run explorer and be able to install programs. “can not happen” is simply just wrong. Not knowing doesn’t mean its not possible.

Reply to  anonuser
10 years ago

In this case you had access to the computer physically, on a weak XP+Novel Network.
Try the same thing on a secured network not using basic MD5 hashing algorithms that anyone good at security would know to not do.

The basic gist of the conversation though is a network/system admin can not just look up your password. It does not happen. After that we can debate all day about the password strengths and different methods of breaking them.

Reply to  anonuser
10 years ago

Yes, the discussion was not how easy the system would be to hack or key log or any other illicit method of gaining a password. We all know passwords can be cracked (I used to do it for a living) it is not that hard. We were discussing the fact that no sane system gives that much power to its administrators and any sane admin would refuse to take it because of the liability of having access to everyone’s accounts as them. Imagine this: Corporate database gets dropped, a few million dollars worth of data gone and for some reason… Read more »

Reply to  Anomerly
10 years ago

Actually, simply put, you said what happened in the comic just could not happen. In reality, it could. It never shows or states how it happened. You’re also comparing a high school to a business network. Many schools still are on Vista, and some even earlier. Additionally, they don’t take much of the information seriously. Most of the time, the only thing that is secured is the grades, which is usually kept, scored, and printed from a non networked server. It’s also typically manually entered grades as well, depending on the schools protection of such a thing. It can not… Read more »