Different Perspectives Page 123

By | February 1, 2015

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2 years ago

i wonder why holly doesn’t notice her own body double or her own clothes that her own boyfriend secretly took from her room or that is not the real jessica but chris posing as her . wow that chris is shure lucky .

9 years ago

i am trying to read the comics, but it keeps saying that i need a subscription, but i have one

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

That reason couldn’t have been a particular football game, I imagine

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

Which side were you on……

Reply to  SapphireFoxx
10 years ago

Sam you need sleep hun. also shame shame hahaha. I did have a question about this series but did not want to say it here incase others might join in the debate and cause a war on here, I can say this so you might know where I am going with this, girl personalty sticking, if you would care to answear the question around just respond back with anything haha.

10 years ago

I’ve been wondering is Holly in yoga pants? I’m not sure cause of the shine. I like like the way they look.

10 years ago

I bed he runs into that one guy she saw naked now hehe.

Reply to  TeeracK
10 years ago


10 years ago

Is not good to let Holly get suspicious! At least, he pull it off quick, he better return all her stuff to normal and make sure Holly doesn’t get suspicious again.

10 years ago

have any of you thought about what might happen if chris trys on some maturnaty cloths because he/she would probably be pregnant just from the belly alone

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  hemi426
10 years ago

That’s possible

Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

Holly isn’t stupid, but she didn’t spot the fact that Jessica’s grown a couple of inches, at least she thinks the bra is a push up. Will she work out that they are her clothes.

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

Sorry, typed in wrong order, Jessica’s isn’t stupid, she is going to figure out her boyfriend is a shape shifter.

Reply to  Levi D Dalv
10 years ago

No, you were right the first time.

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  zerkerboy
10 years ago

Actually both are right. Zerkerboy, Jessica saw ‘Holly’ in her clothes and (a slight taller) and Holly was speaking to ‘Jessica’ about homecoming so anything is possible.

Levi D Dalv
Reply to  zerkerboy
10 years ago

Zerkerboy, you are correct with the last panel it’s confusing but both aren’t stupid.