Different Perspectives Page 105

By | January 14, 2015

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2 years ago

wonder how many pairs of women’s high heels will chris buy as christina .

4 years ago

Pretty sure the name of that store is a song reference.

7 years ago

Christina goes to the Paradise : a shoe’s shop ! 🙂
The disadvantage of reading the comics in the wrong order: I do not understand how Christina became a full-fledged person as seen in Maker’s Game ! I have to find out myself ^^

10 years ago

Obviously Christian’s plan worked.

10 years ago


Reply to  Brenda
10 years ago


10 years ago

What would happen if Christina got with a fella and ended up pregnant

10 years ago

The mall where Christina is looks very nice. There’s a mall around where I live. Actually it’s about 10 miles from where I live. It used to be really nice looking on the inside, but now it’s pretty much gone downhill. In fact, there are about 4 malls around where I live, and they’ve all gone downhill too. None of them look as nice as the one that Christina is in. The Foxx has a really wonderful talent for doing the inside of malls. Perhaps I should draw some malls myself the next time I’m in one. Christina is going… Read more »

10 years ago

I wonder if he will eventually change how Christina looks or if he’ll stick to only buying sizes of his predetermined perfect figure? Or what if he could change how his face looks somehow? He could be a different, made up woman whenever he wanted.