Crossfire Timeline

By | November 23, 2021

In preparation for the new comic coming next week, we’ll posting 10 bonus pieces of world building and character bios leading up to the comic. Admittedly these are a few days late, so not all of them will be posted before Crossfire releases.

Anyway, if you’re not interested in this additional world building, it’s not required to read the comic, these are only meant to be supplementary for people who are interested. Without further ado, here’s the timeline of the Crossfire Universe!

MeowWithMe - Full Service
Crossfire Characters: Rookie
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3 years ago

has paul ever thought about adding a vice ridden male or female alcoholic robot to the crew of the ship crossfire . and have that robot say things like bite my shiny metal rear . i was just wandering .

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
3 years ago

i have made a mistake in my earlier comment i should have said wondering instead of wandering . i am sorry for the confusion .

3 years ago

Being someone who’s scared shitless about the climate crisis, the events described in the Old World Era hit too close to home. Despite that, I’m looking forward to what’s in store with this comic.

3 years ago

2351-2469 How does it take 118 to build a colony after starting work on the project?
3369 You don’t measure direction in a galaxy by north south east west.
3706 Bioweapon and Chemical weapon are not interchangeable.

This is literally just Mass Effect with a twist. You couldn’t come up with something original?
Also this timeline feels like it was thrown together hastily without looking closely at it for errors.

Last edited 3 years ago by LaudoMatriae
Reply to  LaudoMatriae
3 years ago

Alright smartass YOU make a better “ORIGINAL” timeline of events.

Paul Sell
Reply to  LaudoMatriae
3 years ago

One, it still took us well over a decade to reach the moon after saying that we going to try to go the moon. This is humanity saying that they’ll expand to space after several decades of conflict and loss of resources. They surely had almost nothing left, but that’s not going to stop them from saying they want to reach for the stars. I mean we’ve been working on the possibility of building colonies on another planet for decades and we’re still not even close to being ready. These guys have far less to work with than we currently… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Sell
3 years ago

I apologize for being over critical, after F&F I have very little hope that Crossfire will be good.
I’m still correct about there being a difference between chemical and bio weapons.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  LaudoMatriae
3 years ago

Agreed, but hopefully the character interaction and storyline will be a massive improvements compared to what we got in F&F.

3 years ago

That’s an insane amount of reflection! As a huge SF fan I’m really impressed. How long did you work on this timeline? I’m kinda curious

3 years ago

Huh, ok, this is really deep into the future sci-fi. I’m used to sci-fi being like 100 years or 500 years in the future.

3 years ago

How many pages are you thinking about for this comic?

Reply to  mickayla
3 years ago

This much build up?
An animated spinoff already?

Probably 800

Paul Sell
Reply to  TheDarkNeon
3 years ago

I mean, from the looks of it, Crossfire: Odyssey is not a “spinoff” of Crossfire. It is setup to the world of Crossfire, to explain some things about how the world works and what we can expect from the comic. Essentially, Crossfire: Odyssey will be the prologue to the comic. Also, I highly doubt the Crossfire will be 800 pages. Cinder Isle was 700 pages and Sam said that they don’t have any plans to make future comics as long as Cinder Isle. I could see Crossfire being a little longer than some comics, but not nearly as long as… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul Sell
3 years ago

Nice timeline. However, I’m a bit confused on how Sol managed to control any of their colonies pre-ftl, even if only in name. Granted, this universe is different so distances may be shorter and/or STL speeds faster.
It’ll be good to read either way.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  beetlelion12
3 years ago

They probably have warp engines-ish type technology to make space travel possible.

Reply to  D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
3 years ago

My question still stands. With FTL, I can suspend my disbelief that humanity has a single overarching government in control of multiple systems and world’s; however much I find it hard to believe even then considering how much time has passed for the colonies. However, unless the speed of light is massively increased to allow fast enough communication and STL travel to be a viable way of making sure you’re in control (ex.: it takes a ship going at 10% lightspeed 2 weeks to travel to Alpha Centauri) and/or distances between star systems shorter than this universe, I’d be hard-pressed,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by beetlelion12
James Caras
3 years ago

I can’t believe they had the war we managed to avoid so far.