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All I can say is ?
no swan yet his pride is still in tack.
I have to wonder if it can complete on its own now? Perhaps other glumine will be able to better sense Drake now and try to finish the job?
Hmm, since she still has her penis, she and taylor can have some fun together.
Don’t be embarrassed centurion i would have the same reaction you did. I’m so glad they are changing things up as well. I love when the changes aren’t exactly the same everytime. it makes the story so much more interesting when we see a fuller spectrum of changes including the end results. great job so far guys i’m really looking forward to where this thread goes and what the next encounter with the glummies will bring.
I hope that this means that Drake is intersex, but I know that most people on this site prefer if she’s an non op trans woman instead. lol
Might be none of the above?
Intersex people are born with a mixture of genetalia. The term for someone with a normal penis and testicles who grows boobs is gynecomastia, and as far as I know they are not typically labelled intersex.
Non-op trans woman implies purposeful choice–the woman chooses to have that body.
Drake isn’t a guy anymore though. He’s a woman now, so none of that “gynecomastia” nonsense please.
Drake is now in the same category as Taylor now, but I guess a “futari” if we’re going by cartoon porn/hentai logic.
Question – it is obvious that the male subjects, if caught by the enhanced/modified Glumine, are subjugated and converted into females; however, there are probably female colonists on this planet. So…what happened to all of the women? Were their genders reversed into male subjects, or were they converted into this feminized, modified/enhanced version of the Glumine?
I’ve thought about that as well.
So…is Drake now androgynous (intersex), or only one? That (IMHO) would be an interesting plot twist if he/she were. I see no indication that he/she is now androgynous (intersex).