Crossfire Page 426

By | February 1, 2023

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jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
1 year ago

What is plan B?

Reply to  jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
1 year ago

A form of birth control. =P

1 year ago

Well, about time!

Galaxyguide Neunundneunzig
1 year ago

B as in Bait or B as in Babys?

JD Washington
1 year ago

Taylor: “What have you done to them?”

Temptress: “I’m glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan.” *immediately shoots at them*

comment image

Reply to  JD Washington
1 year ago

Seriously why do people hate that movie? When we got a quotable villain like this?

JD Washington
Reply to  TheDarkNeon
1 year ago

IKR? James Spader is absolutely perfect as Ultron.

Reply to  JD Washington
1 year ago

James Spader is amazing in pretty much everything I’ve seen of him.

He’s like Connery to me, how he honestly kinda always plays one character, but manages to always make you feel like that one character is not only distinct from the others, but it’s precisely the character you needed in that context.

It’s eerie, and I love it.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  TheDarkNeon
1 year ago

Because he did jack in his own movie.

Reply to  JD Washington
1 year ago

Ultron: Your reign is a delusion. You’re all just puppets on strings.

1 year ago

I like to think that temptress escape the crossfire and start a new adventure elsewhere. I think that could be a nice mini-series seeing her build a hive mind colony and a n harem

1 year ago

go get temptress and her friend Leeroy, Taylor, Arianne and Garr don’t let temptress and her friend win take her down before she and her friend become even eviler. i hope that Janet and noreli recover from temptress sneaky plan.

JD Washington
Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

It feels so satisfying to see Temptress get angry for once. She should realize by now that she is not infallible, but her ego wouldn’t allow that.

Reply to  JD Washington
1 year ago

yep you’re right about that jd. i agree with you.