Crossfire Page 360

By | November 27, 2022

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1 year ago

hey sam is everything ok . just wondering what’s up with page 361 of crossfire it hasn’t posted yet.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

never mind sam pg. 361 has just posted.

jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
1 year ago

She isn’t as dumb as they expected.

Reply to  jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
1 year ago

Well her eyes are not pink fully.

1 year ago

Wow they underestimated how stupid they assumed she’d be.
I have half a mind to let Temptress loose on this station. I’m sure she’d LOVE to give her thanks for that tech that dulled her freedom and mind~

jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
Reply to  TheDarkNeon
1 year ago

You know that she would like that.

Hans Gruber
1 year ago

BTW, it is my (real day) job to think strategically. With any intelligence observed, there are always loose ends to any data gathered. Unlike NSA’s quote of ‘trust, but verify’, mine is even more cynical – ‘trust nothing, prove everything’.

Hans Gruber
1 year ago

So…it has been confirmed from 2 points of evidence: (1) the vice admiral has admitted it (in his thoughts) that he knows what the pink Glumine were ‘designed’ for; and, (2) Arianne has proof of converted colonists in another part of the station. Now…for the 3rd point – are there any other parties cooperating with the Zinarians? I’m sorry. There is a 3rd factor not being shown right now, whether it is the Zinarians, or a split faction; someone else is helping the Zinarians.

JD Washington
1 year ago

These Zinarian warlords are just disappointed that Janet didn’t stay as a bumbling bimbo, unlike their kidnapped test subjects.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  JD Washington
1 year ago

Pretty much.

1 year ago

janet i would be careful if i were you because it looks like that general want’s to make you obey him. wonder how far the crew will go before they wear out their welcome at the space station.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

That’ll eliminate half the crew, which would make it easier to get rid of the rest.

Last edited 1 year ago by D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee