Crossfire Page 15

By | December 17, 2021

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D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
2 years ago

I can’t wait for how my ara ara wifiu bimbo turns out!

Paul Sell
Reply to  D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
2 years ago

A lot of those seem likely contradictory terms that wouldn’t really apply to Rookie. “ara ara” is a term used almost exclusively for anime MILFs, because they’re the only characters who say that. There’s no indication that Rookie will get turned into a MILF, since I doubt this alien will up his age too. Rookie is way too young to be a MILF and also does not have any children. Age and having had kids are basically requirements to be a MILF. The only one of this entire cast who could be turned into a MILF, would be the Commander… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul Sell
D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  Paul Sell
2 years ago

Fine! You do have a point there.

2 years ago

I’m jealous I wish I was the one under that armor. Can’t wait to see the full transformation!

Btw, The Stealing From Sis and Full Service ‘crossover’ is misspelled as “crossfire”.

Last edited 2 years ago by NyanHamtaro96
Reply to  NyanHamtaro96
2 years ago

Maybe Sam’s hinting at Crossfire being a media franchise in the SF universe by doing this?

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  AuraTerrorbird
2 years ago

That would be awesome!

Maybe its a movie that Chris loves to watch?

Paul Sell
Reply to  AuraTerrorbird
2 years ago

Sam has said that Crossfire is in no way connected to the SF universe, even as a media franchise. I’m like 99.9 percent sure that was not a hint in anyway. Sam most likely said “Crossfire” when he meant to say “crossover.”

2 years ago

Yay. I love mind control. Love it so much.


This is gonna be another long one.

Damian Kaiser-Crompton
2 years ago

I kinda knew Rookie would be one of the victims…
Will he be saved before becoming a woman though? Hmmm… something tells me that won’t happen

2 years ago

well it looks like the mystery blob has gotten the rookie . and it’s got a female voice saying the word join . i would like to know what this mystery blob wants the rookie to join ? and who created it and why this person needed to create this blob and entrap these victims and force them to be women and join what the blobs creator wants them to join ?

jimmy_d banthrall_2nd
Reply to  shoeflypie1831
2 years ago

I wonder if the Blob might have been a teraformer who went missing when the planet was made new and caught in the prosses .

2 years ago

I think the alien’s purpose is hunt, assimilate, and conquer.

Reply to  kenwin07
2 years ago

So a Gooier version of the borg? hell sign me up, I’d kill for a sexy female form.

Last edited 2 years ago by Scorchia
2 years ago

comment image

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  Scorchia
2 years ago

Where do you get these gifs from?

Reply to  D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
2 years ago

I use zee Googles.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  Scorchia
2 years ago

What are the words you use to get the results for these gifs.