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maybe it will learn sex, impregnation and pregnacy now
And if the Ditto would learn to change colour as well to match human skin, who would know then? Just imagine, what could happen.
À mon avis, Owen ne voudras pas revenir en arrière vus le plaisir qui prends avec le glumine selon moi .
Oh no! It’s speaking proper English! We’re all DOOMED!
Those are doomed you mean.
Nobody can speak proper English, English is too hard to not mess up!
I hope they both lose their male selves! The further the transformation goes, the better!
This is the ideal evolved body. Noreli may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
wow the glumine wants to learn about human sexuality . who would think that i didn’t . and doctor owens has given in to the glumine while noreli is not giving in so easy . hope leeroy and garra show up soon .
The question is why. Why does it want/need to learn about this?
Theory one: It is just part of information gathering about its prey for becoming more efficient.
Theory two: The devices inside command that and their creator needs this information for malicious purposes.
Theory three: The creator is an unknown species and the devices in the glumine are an experiment to find out more about the dormant/visiting species on this planet. Just like we study animals and in specific cases change their gender.
i agree with your theory’s you just might be right .
and those files are about who are behind your theory’s.
jimmy those are worldoftg’s theory’s and i have to agree with worldoftg . because one of the theory’s might just be correct .
Sounds like it wants to know how to replace the species population it comes in contact with.
I don’t see that happening.
did you ever think that the glumine might be curious of us just like we are of it . if you have thought about that then you would understand it more .
You mean’t leeroy and garra showing up soon, didn’t you. I agree with that. However, I still can’t wrap my head around their mindlessness after the failed communication attempt.
Well Leeroy will regret it, not Phatom though. I don’t he understands those types of emotions.