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No, you can’t see them… just kidding of course.
And one more cliffhanger before the changes start to happen. We don’t even know who wants to be what gender within the families, besides Wanda of course.
“voter turnout was astounding, 61%”
It’s always surprising to me how low voter turnout is in the US.
most people don’t vote for a variety of reason. The Media saying there are only two parties when in reality, there is usually at least 3 or 4 (Jorgensen 2020) and the two candidates that are presented, people just DON’T like (Hillary and Trump, or Trump and Biden). another is people believing that their vote does not matter because of something called the Electoral Collage (if it wasn’t for the EC, Hilary would be president)
Okay, now im confused. It was hinted earlier that the ghosts all used to be men but alistier removed their curses after death witch is why their souls lingered. But if Nurse used to be a man, witch is implied as women didnt usually participate in the medical field in the past, why does she have a female name. Is that the feminized version of her living name or the female name she always wanted to be called like how Gavin had Gaela already picked out?
Probably so
Her name was probably Wyane .
It’s nice to see one of the trio turned back to normal
Au revoir Wyona
Never thought that you would be
Standing here so close to me
There’s so much I feel that I should say
But words can wait until some other day
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It’s been a long, long time
Haven’t felt like this, my dear
Since I can’t remember when
It’s been a long, long time
Bye Wyona the Nurse, it’s been fun for as part of saving Cinder Isle.