Cinder Isle Page 60

By | January 27, 2019

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1 year ago

aw geeze why do these people have to make the police department’s job that much harder than it already is . don’t they understand it’s not the local governments idea to close off cinder isle from the rest of the world. this shut down was ordered by the higher-ups in the federal government. so don’t be rude to your local law enforcement.

3 years ago

The newer experience shows that people in reality does not react so irresponsible in case of a lock-down!

5 years ago

Wait… 6 cops? Only 6 cops?!

Never mind what I said before. This has to be deliberate. They were sent in to fail on purpose. Then when they do, the military will be more justified in cracking down.

My inner cynic is showing big time in the last two pages…

Reply to  HA55caps
5 years ago

Odds are the town doesn’t have a lot of police officers. They likely don’t need a large police force. Very few places, even cities, can mobilize an army of police officers on demand. Whether or not they can realistically succeed in keeping people on the island (unlikely), it’s still better to have them as the first line of roadblocks simply because they’re probably local and, so, will have a better shot at defusing situations. Not a great shot, but a better one. And they do serve as a buffer between panicky citizens and the blockade. Also, since they have to… Read more »

5 years ago

The one officer reminds me of Leon S. Kennedy.

Reply to  Fern
5 years ago

Oh my god he does!
“Man I knew I should’ve taken that Raccoon City transfer! Not like a city with a name like that would be troublesome than this ENTIRE island.”

5 years ago

cough on them…….better then tear gas……….lol

5 years ago

*cough cough* don’t mind me.

5 years ago

What’s Next ? All FEM military ?

Reply to  Scotto
5 years ago

that would be a step up in combat readiness

5 years ago

It won’t be long before gun play and if Army is involved like in the series High School of the Dead Military used force on both healthy and Zombies. I hope it doesn’t come to that.