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I think this explains why he’s getting manlier, the magic virus is working in reverse.
Huh… at the beginning, then, he was exposed to it… that might explain the speculation regarding him being immune that I had seen in the comments prior to the reveal.
It’s possible that Gavin was infected near the beginning, at the movie theater, or the outbreak at the pool.
So one of those lucky close calls Gavin had wasn’t lucky at all.
It seems a lot more likely now that Gavin is cursed.
It doesn’t affect him because he’s already cursed. Calling it right now.
This might possibly be an error on Gavin’s part, but “asymptotic” is a math term for certain discontinuities in a function. He actually means “asymptomatic”.
I dont think it was an error on his part, it was likely a typo
Perhaps that’s the reason he was filling out so much despite not going to the gym.
I bet Gavin was that gender curse in him but in reverse. The girl became the guy
It’s the curse
Or could be his unbeknownst sorcerer power.