Cinder Isle Page 50

By | January 17, 2019

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1 year ago

i knew that the government would quarantine the whole island to keep the virus from spreading . and when the residents find out their not going to be pleased with the governments decision .

Ely Mesch
3 years ago

Sam do you know something the rest of us dont

4 years ago

Reading this in June of 2020 is serendipitous. I had no idea what the story was about when I first started reading. I can’t wait to see if there are idiots who refuse to accept that there is a virus, or think it won’t happen to them so they take no precautions. This is so lifelike.

5 years ago

There is another factor to consider. With a normal disease, the speed of this would actually be a good thing. It would kill people so quickly it would not spread. A disease that kills too fast runs out of hosts and dies with its victims. But this condition doesn’t kill. Meaning it can spread endlessly. And if it does and the whole world turns female, the human race will die, slowly, of old age. Closing down the island is absolutely the correct choice. Lock it down, deal with the illness. If it turns out that the disease cannot be spread… Read more »

5 years ago

Yeah, saw this one coming.

5 years ago

I have a feeling that in a couple of panels, we’ll be seeing a cameo (or at the least, a parody or reference) of a certain organization that’ll want to Secure the island, Contain the infected & Protect those that have yet to catch the virus. (Props to those who get the reference.)

Reply to  Alyssa
5 years ago

I think if there’s an SCP in this universe, it’s run by mages. Though I would like to see what that kind of thing looks like here…

Reply to  Nuala
5 years ago

It probably wouldn’t be all Mages… I think there’d be some non-mages amongst them.

5 years ago

“This virus would be unstoppable if it ever got off the island. Serious measures are being considered.”
Not everyone is as dutiful, there must be some miscreants who will deliberately ‘clone and drone’ to freedom.

5 years ago

And that is taken directly from “Contagion” and it was Kate Winslet at the board, nice cross-over!