Cinder Isle Page 486

By | March 28, 2020

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4 years ago

Just so u know don’t use stripes like that in zoeys shirt it creates a visual distraction because of the perfect horizontal lines mess with the 3D perspective especially with your art style

Damian Kaiser-Crompton
4 years ago

oh so infected CAn become pregnant YAY! :3
Hope Zoey stays Zoey and that she and Gavin create a family of their own :3

4 years ago

Nice reference to The Game Theory Team 😀

4 years ago

So now a baby will have 2 mommies

Reply to  IronmanMK265
4 years ago

And 2 older siblings as well

Reply to  kenwin07
4 years ago

Yup 2 half-siblings

JD Washington
4 years ago

Hah, I only just noticed Wanda’s breasts now. So, um, her breasts are so swollen that the pecs are already visible despite wearing a bra? Good lord, they’re so big!

Reply to  JD Washington
4 years ago

Ela deve estar grávida

4 years ago

So are they going to keep it a secret for now between the 2 of them or tell everyone right away

JD Washington
Reply to  Kaisa
4 years ago

Well, I think they need to verify it first with a pregnancy test before telling them.
And god, I hope they tell them. Enough with the secrets, please..