Cinder Isle Page 47

By | January 14, 2019

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1 year ago

well Zoey formerly Zach is going to need all the support that her / him can get to help her / him cope with being a girl. lucky that Zoey / Zach has a great support system in her / his family and friends to help Zoey / Zach when her / him needs it the most.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

So much for a family reunion, now everyone knows that’s Zoey / Zack from she’s acting and I like the Dad comfort his new daughter.

5 years ago

Just get used to it Zoey might just like it !!!

5 years ago

I forgot a very important point. What if this disease goes more airborne and travels across short distances, say three hundred feet and thus affects every single person currently on Earth? This means that there will only be female human beings all over the World. With no males, the human race cannot procreate. The human race will die with the demise of the current human, affected population.

Reply to  Birdmanofglanmire
5 years ago

Really ??

Reply to  Birdmanofglanmire
5 years ago

gene splicing

5 years ago

In disease research, there are three possible groups of people in a pandemic. First, there are the victims, who ride out the symptoms until the final conclusion (or death). Second, are those that are immune to that particular disease, who don’t fall foul of the symptoms and don’t pass it to others. This group of people is the one from which medics can produce a vaccine for the disease victims. Thirdly are those, called carriers, who never show the symptoms, but are infected. This group of people still pass the disease to anyone they come in contact with them. This… Read more »

Jenni Noelle
5 years ago

When is page 48 posted?

Jenni Noelle
Reply to  Jenni Noelle
5 years ago

Never mind

5 years ago

I really hope the hospital puts on classes for all the new women. This is a bra. This is how to put it on. This is how to shave your legs. This is a tampon, here’s how to put it in.

James Caras
5 years ago

Womanhood isn’t a disease.

Reply to  James Caras
5 years ago

it’s a blessing for some.

Reply to  James Caras
5 years ago

It is when sneezing on someone spreads it…

James Caras
5 years ago

Womanhood isn’t a disease.

Reply to  James Caras
5 years ago

No but rapid unwanted and contagious sex change is