Cinder Isle Page 437

By | February 8, 2020

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3 years ago

This date will probably not end well, despite what Gavin and Zoey think.

4 years ago

Well, just reread this page 6 months later after the big reveal. “Huh, that’s an interesting underwear colour choise” — yes, yes it is.

4 years ago

Now that’s kinky!
@Btw JD Washington, your pfp slightly gave me a spoiler since I wait for few days so I could read multiple comic pages at once.

JD Washington
4 years ago

It’s been a while since we had more than 50 comments in one page. Last time this happened was when the remaining Houlton boys got infected at the ski resort, page 293.

4 years ago

Why does everyone think he’ll be infected? Like Zoey said, so long as he stays away from her vagina, Gavin cant be infected. A handy wont do it, not even a BJ! He has to make direct contact with her vaginal fluids in order to get infected. So far, theres no sign of that happening

Reply to  Undertaker
4 years ago

It would take a weird twist of fate for Zoey to infect Gavin, something that neither of them would ever expect to happen. It kinda seems like most people here are guessing that something like that will happen. Like if the virus just suddenly made Zoey strip off her panties and forced Gavin to start eating her out (which is unbelievably unlikely to happen). To be honest, I just don’t see that happening. But yeah, they’re not even close to the point of Gavin getting infected. As long as Zoey’s panties remain on, he can’t get the virus. Plus, Gavin… Read more »

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
4 years ago

“Like if the virus just suddenly made Zoey strip off her panties and forced Gavin to start eating her out” “Plus, Gavin getting infected is the last thing Zoey and Gavin both want to happen, so she’ll do everything she can to avoid that.” Even if something like that would happen, that would be where Gavin would stop things from going further. Sure, it seems like Zoey is less and less in control of herself, especially with how more and more aggressive she’s acting, but Gavin is enough of a gentleman and a good guy to be able to stop… Read more »

Reply to  ambersmithe
4 years ago

It seems like you’re basing a lot on circumstantial evidence and making quite a few assumptions, especially about Zoey being less in control of her actions when everything we’ve seen in these last few pages suggests that she is 100% in control. It’s not that people are saying Gavin should get infected, but that everyone is assuming that he WILL get infected in the next few pages. And of course, there’s always that age-old saying: Don’t assume, it makes an ass out of you. Based off of everything we’ve seen in these last few pages, there’s nothing here to say… Read more »

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
4 years ago

“It’s not that people are saying Gavin should get infected, but that everyone is assuming that he WILL get infected in the next few pages. And of course, there’s always that age-old saying: Don’t assume, it makes an ass out of you.” That’s why I said I can’t speak for everyone else and that I’m merely speculating. I’m speculating how Gavin might get infected and also speculating how Gavin will not get infected. Like maybe Gavin will close to getting infected, but something will stop that from happening. Either by Gavin or something or someone outside the two of them.… Read more »

Reply to  Undertaker
4 years ago

That’s right, Gavin’s a normal naive teenager. Zoey IS in constant contact with infected vaginal fluids which leaked through her swimwear before, so scantilly clad Zoey with her semi thong will be dripping wet with this aggravated lustful imperative, there is no way that no fluid is leaving her vagina, readily transported by a slip of her hand to check if she is leaking. The missile is out of the silo, being guided by a complicit agent carrying the viral enemy of men. The probability of a successful launch is diminishing as fast as it is long. Zoey is totally… Read more »

4 years ago

Sam, isn’t it time you changed the series title from ‘Cinder Isle’ to ‘CINDERELLAND’ ?

4 years ago

In the heat of the moment Gavin sneezes, Zoey jumps off saying “Oh I am so, so, sorry…” Then LAUGHS!

4 years ago

I wonder what girl clothes Gavin will morph with his / her personality ?. Any ideas anyone? (discus).

Reply to  near_you
4 years ago

I think Gavin will have female version of casual clothes that he’s wearing along with some pink just like Zoey’s original clothes

Maybe a thin blouse jacket, low cut tank top, jean skirt, and girly sneakers