Cinder Isle Page 395

By | December 28, 2019

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The Emerald Panther
5 years ago

Time for Elaine to spend the night in quarantine.
Heather is probably hoping they didn’t shut the air vents so she can get infected as well.
Heather is now the only one left in Zoey’s family that isn’t infected.

Levi D Dalv
5 years ago

So it begins. Heather will be furious.

Happy New Year Sam. I will be back.

JD Washington
5 years ago

I’ll retcon what I said yesterday.
Heather hears Elaine coughing while she’s in her room. She realized that her mother is getting infected, opens the damn door and barges into the room while Elaine is still coughing, so that she’ll become infected as well.

Again, absolute win for the both of them…

5 years ago

Curious to see what her hair will come out to be. Will it be longer? Hell will it change color …just to better tell the difference now between them?

Reply to  Scooch
5 years ago

I think Elaine’s hair will be changing as well as her face with no lines under her eyes. Basically Zoey’s Mom received the youthful appearance of a sexy 25 years old woman. Looks like the new energetic couple’s going to have more fun with their lives due to the virus as a gift and curse at the same time.

5 years ago

balance in action.

5 years ago

2 possible endings I see. 1) Beast gets loose finds Zoey and apologizes. Much is fixed.
2) Gavin turns into a hottie and then attacked USA unleashes secret “Women Only” weapon on enemies. Within 2 years scientists desperately seek innoculation for last men and a way for 2 women to reproduce.

Lord Vader
Reply to  MtnMan
5 years ago

Uh neither of those would even happen, like at all. The red “beast” literally tries to escape and kill whoever it encounters, it was already implied multiple soldiers were killed by it. The US using infected women to fight enemies would be the stupidest move possible. Everyone gets infected, the virus would never stop. Even if a cure was found, the virus probably can mutate and adapt.

5 years ago

What’s the percentage of uninfected civilians on CI now I wonder. Frank, Sean, Gavin, Dutch, did I forget any men we know about?

JD Washington
Reply to  MtnMan
5 years ago

Who’s Sean? You mean Shane?
And yeah, they’re only the remaining male main characters, but about 25% of the Cinder Isle population is still male (from Page 330). Maybe even less by this point.

Reply to  JD Washington
5 years ago

who said that they couldn’t reproduce?

JD Washington
Reply to  jimmyinwhite
5 years ago

Pardon me, but how did you get that from what I said? I never said anything about not being able to reproduce.

Reply to  JD Washington
5 years ago

I can highly imagine if one of the last men is enjoying the harem at Cinder Isle

5 years ago

Heather: ‘I can believe my own mother got infected before me!”

Reply to  MtnMan
5 years ago

Zoey: What’s wrong, sis? Jealous of the new and improved Mom?

Heather: Shut up Zoey!