Cinder Isle Page 299

By | September 23, 2019

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1 year ago

boy randy and Patricia are going to have to learn how to be a little girl and a woman . boy I’m glad that they are going to have a supporting wife and nurse and their other daughters.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

Patricia and Randy need warm clothes immediately along with the warmth of the fireplace

Don’t forget the hot chocolate for Zoey’s new little sister!

I’m sure this family can get through this

Reply to  kenwin07
1 year ago

i know this family will get through this together.

4 years ago

Yes! love the line about it pulling up inside him.

The Emerald Panther
4 years ago

With Randy and Patricia’s transformation complete, this only leaves Heather as the only uninfected in Zoey’s family.
They should go over to one of those radiators on the emergency vehicles, that’ll warm them up.
At the current rate the comic is going, the end will be somewhere around 400 to 450 pages.

Reply to  The Emerald Panther
4 years ago

The mum isnt infected

4 years ago

That is one ate up salute XD

Damian Kaiser-Crompton
4 years ago

Geez… took Patricia and her mommy 2.0 to FINALLY start to freez -.-
Man… IF I would be Patrick OR his father I WOULD have started freezing straight AFTER my clothes had changed…

Yes… I hate the cold and I freeze quickly… I am pretty skinny so yeah…

Anyways… at least those two can FINALLY warm up… I hope… AND I also HOPE that Zoey and the others do not start attacking those two with questions… they went through enough for ONE freaking day!

Reply to  Damian Kaiser-Crompton
4 years ago

Revenge is not the answer.

Right now Zoey should help Patricia and her dad of how to deal through rough times.

Losing Elaine’s husband and youngest son to the virus cause everyone we know (other specialists) to search the whole Cinder Isle on every nook and cranny for answers to solve the mystery of the Red Plague sickness.

Reply to  Damian Kaiser-Crompton
4 years ago

why would Zoey of all people ‘attack’ them? She/he went through the same thing

4 years ago

Worse yet Patricia, you have grown up from 5 to10 at least! You’re almost old enough to be a Mommy yourself (physically)!
Something has got to give here! Let’s get Gavin to start researching the virus. Let’s get him a modem for the family computer. The internet already exists as do its predecessor online communities. Those book sets called encyclopaedias are all over too!

Reply to  MtnMan
4 years ago

Or go to the Hampshire Public Library and Cinder Isle Museum to find some clues of the Red Plague and everything else

Reply to  MtnMan
4 years ago

No, Patricia hasn’t gotten any older. She’s still supposed to be only five years old.

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
4 years ago

good she doesn’t need to grow up like some adults do.

4 years ago

One big family of girls but 2 of them are yet to be enhanced.

4 years ago

Look how tall Patrick is now! Either he’s definitely gotten older or there’s a problem with the height consistencies. I’m leaning more towards the former