Cinder Isle Page 29

By | December 27, 2018

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1 year ago

well Elaine surprise your son Zach just became your daughter thanks to the virus. wonder what the other members of your family will think when they see Zach for the first time after the virus transformation.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

Elaine is a great Mom

Reply to  kenwin07
1 year ago

yep she is.

Demon of Empire
5 years ago

My God…The Feels!

Mina Monet
5 years ago


Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

Just want to commend The Foxx and the wonderful people surrounding Sam at SapphireFoxx. I remember when Stealing From Sis was out on YouTube and even on DeviantArt. It’s been a long road up until this point and the road goes ever on and on. Keep up the good work, guys!!!

Lady Rhodes
Reply to  Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

Also, I started transitioning 3 years ago, almost 4 years ago. My name that I had chosen would have been Danielle, if not for my remembrance of Halloween Switch. I thought to myself that the name Riley is a much better fit for me. So, 3 years ago, on September 14th, I picked my name. And if it wasn’t for the SapphireFoxx team, I wouldn’t have the most perfect name for me!! Thank you.

Riley Rhodes

Post Scripture: My last name isn’t actually Rhodes. Not yet. I’m marrying a wonderful man whose last name is.

Reply to  Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

Congrats Lady Rhodes

Reply to  Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

Congrats going on 6 years for me

Reply to  Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

Great 4 You Mrs.Rhodes!!!!

Reply to  Lady Rhodes
5 years ago

No Doubt Sam has done a great job and Sapphire Fox is a top Shelf site!!!

5 years ago

Thank God his own mother believes her! It would be soul crushing if even your own mother refused to believe you…

5 years ago

Someone’s in line for the “World’s Best Mom” mother’s day gift ever!!

Heather Rose
5 years ago

Great response “A mother knows her child no matter what happens” Elaine might be in shock to have seen her boy go to school and now to see that she has a Daughter but she is a professional and there is a time and place for shock, grief, happiness, JOY. but till they find out what happened this is not the time.