Cinder Isle Page 254

By | August 9, 2019

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2 years ago

i got a feeling that later on Zoey will use her sister Heather’s idea and give Gavin his first kiss with a girl. and i wonder how it will turn out.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
2 years ago

Natalie is more well adapted than Zoey due to her makeup

5 years ago

Except in this world, it’ll probably be called SpongeJoe or something.

The Emerald Panther
5 years ago

There are many different angles to a situation, such as Natalie being more open to change than Zoey; whereas Heather would be like Zoey if she turned into a man.
Spongebob was one of my favorite cartoons growing up, especially with the adult jokes in my teenage years.
With the comic now in 1997, they’ll have to wait 2 years till Spongebob premieres.
Did someone say Chocolate?

5 years ago

A month for Nat. Well ain’t that special. What I really want to know is what happened to the swamp thing on day 34? No ghost mayhem for almost 3 months? Something seems a little off here.

Reply to  Miztry3920
5 years ago

The way I look at it, the story of “Cinder Isle” is about Zack/Zoey, Gavin and Shane and their attempts to maintain a normal life in the middle of an epidemic. When you look at it from their perspectives, everything going on with the monster in the pond and the ghosts hardly concerns our three main characters. The monster and ghosts might be the clues to the virus and are a great mystery, but those three aren’t looking for clues to the virus. It’s none of their business. And because of this philosophy, the story isn’t concerned with the monster… Read more »

Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
5 years ago

Well said, Paul, I agree.

5 years ago

I’m never going on a date with a guy, but I will get wet over a guy

Reply to  mickayla
5 years ago

Ones a choice, the other is a physical reaction

Demon of Empire
5 years ago

Uh. What meme?

5 years ago

Zoey- not gonna date a guy or kiss a guy-no way. It’s not happing? Famous last words. I’ve heard them all before.

Reply to  Cartoonist
5 years ago

Not very genre savvy is she ?

5 years ago

Yeah. I’m kind of on Zoey’s side, here. (I know. Heresy and all that.) Just because one person doesn’t have significant issues with an *involuntary* transition, it doesn’t mean everyone can even be okay with it. People are different, after all. Some people probably wouldn’t mind much one way or the other once they got used to a transition. Others would be delirously happy. Others would be fatally depressed.

In the context of this story, though, I actually find it interesting that Zoey isn’t diving head first into the whole clothes/makeup/boys thing. I wonder if that’s significant.