Cinder Isle Page 169

By | May 16, 2019

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2 years ago

i knew that Zoey and Gavin would speak up on chase’s behalf . and officer Pete doesn’t believe in ghosts. well i think that officer Pete will think differently sooner than later.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
2 years ago

Chase’s lucky day thanks to Zoey and Gavin as witnesses

5 years ago

Where is the DSC when you actually need them. Did it take 20 years for them to find actual threats to humanity since Sylvana

5 years ago

Is no one gonna say “Hey, it is Halloween night, maybe the attacker was DRESSED like some kind of ghost???”

I feel like that would be my first response.

5 years ago

none of the cops noticed the lack of blood on Chase’s clothes, if Chase had done that there would be blood on his clothes , case in point Mr, She-Ra, got spattered when the Ghost attacked Daphne. These cops are dumb as well as blind. remind me never to visit that island if the police there is THAT dense.

Reply to  pixilaira
5 years ago

“I’m surrounded by idiots…”

Reply to  kenwin07
5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

I think someone needs to start looking at the past history of cinder isle for some answers as to whats going on

Reply to  Hardboiled
5 years ago

To the Hampshire Public Library!

5 years ago

When is his dad going to change into a women!? Because he still isn’t back yet

5 years ago

My guess is that the government hired some paranormal investigators to solve this problem and maybe they could find a cure

5 years ago

When in doubt never ever ever fight with the police even if you think they are wrong. Do it in court in front of a judge. No one was ever beaten, shot, tasered or pepper sprayed in front of a judge in a court room.
After seeing all these people transform including their clothes i would think that the police and military would be a lot more opened mined.