Cinder Isle Page 110

By | March 18, 2019

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1 year ago

little by little Zoey is gradually getting used to wearing women’s clothes. but she came to bowl circles around Shane and Gavin. and i wonder how she’ll do against Shane and Gavin.

Reply to  shoeflypie1831
1 year ago

Zoey looks fine in that outfit

4 years ago

Niko It’s your cousin, why don’t you take me bowling?

5 years ago

I see Zack/Zoey want a hair cut. Can he get one. I remember Blake in Fractured had trouble getting a hair cut.
What will happen. I want to see.

5 years ago

I wonder what is the reason Zoey was a little earlier than Zack’s normal late?

5 years ago

I see that Zoey still has an aversion to wearing heels of any height.

Reply to  khedgecock
5 years ago

Plenty of girls don’t like heels, my best friend is a girl and I don’t think I have ever seen her in heels.

Reply to  khedgecock
5 years ago

Don’t worry she will be into it real soon !!

5 years ago

I give up. Seems pretty clear that they’re being pushed into being more than friends. I suppose I can’t blame Zoey, since we’ve established that the virus does indeed push people to be more horny… but I really wanted them to end up as just friends and save the sex for other characters.

5 years ago

Did anyone else notice that in frame 4 everything in the background of the bowling ally is reversed as if viewing it from a mirror?

5 years ago

I spot an ifunny bar