Shifting Roommates Page 23
Whatever is changing you guys, it certainly isn’t that innocent looking statue sitting next to the Gamecube.
Whatever is changing you guys, it certainly isn’t that innocent looking statue sitting next to the Gamecube.
Until this day, the roommates’ changes have been minor and believable, but now things are becoming very abnormal.
It seems Jamie’s days of looking down at Scott are numbered.
Jamie has been slimming down so much that his clothes don’t even fit him anymore. He should consider himself lucky that he can still shop in the men’s section.
It seems that whatever happens to one roommate, the opposite happens to the other. As Jamie’s body shrinks down smaller and smaller, Scott’s body is growing bigger by an equal amount.
Jamie’s night takes an even more embarrassing turn when he can’t get ‘it’ up to full mast for his sexy date.
Jamie has developed quite a lot of junk in his trunk. Luckily he found a woman who likes his new bubble butt. I wonder if he’s soon going to running into men who also like his big round assets.