Ashes To Ashes – Episode 8

By | December 7, 2018

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2 years ago

yes love the cross over

3 years ago

Holly got a new character model

3 years ago

When I look back at this, I realize Ashley might have read Holly’s mind to find out the truth if Holly kept lying before revealing her secret (which would have made her do an almost similar act that Chris did in Matchmaker). In fact, Holly should be fortunate that didn’t happen as this would have ruined her chance of ever having a girlfriend.

5 years ago

i just thought of a question would the mind protection charm be able to block sylvanas enlightened mind control or could she just power past and break the charm?

5 years ago

Uh…Holly? Did you forget about the part of your relationship where you made Chris turn into Christina just for your own pleasure, even if he wanted to be himself? Just saying.

Bennett LeLacques
Reply to  Free
4 years ago

Holly might not have forgotten, but it’s generally human nature to see one’s own actions in a more positive light. She has a point about how Chris could read her mind, and her legitimate trust issues over that. At the same time, though… the fact that Holly now identifies as a lesbian, as opposed to bisexual, suggests that she’s gone through some changes, herself.
Either way, though, I hope that Holly has gotten over the need for her girlfriend to be anyone but herself by this point…

6 years ago

oh and with Chris just learning his powers he probobly didnt know about the mind block spell yet or to earse hollys memory of them dating when they broke up

Bennett LeLacques
Reply to  Hardboiled
4 years ago

Not to mention that he didn’t get the same socialization-process that sorceror-born children get. Down there at the level of “share your toys” and “look both ways before crossing the street” would have been things like “don’t go listening to other people’s thoughts” as good manners.

6 years ago

is it me or does holly seem to put blame on everyone else for her dating problems when some of the problems were cause by her own self

6 years ago

Holly blames Chris for the breakup? Holly claims Chris abused his powers? She kept abusing the his transforming power. She deceived him all the time. She pushed Chris away.

Reply to  Foxfan
6 years ago

exactly holly is just straight up lying…

Reply to  RainbowWhooves521
6 years ago

I hate this statement … a lie means knowingly telling an untruth. Holly is being 100% truthful to how she views the events. Yes, she was terrible to Chris … doesn’t means she is lying here.

Reply to  darththeo
5 years ago

Gotta agree with you that she likely does see that as how events played out so she sees herself as the victim. But that also just shows how narcissistic she was, because she didn’t care about Chris’s feelings over her taking advantage of his powers. While Chris wasn’t totally innocent, using his power to read her mind, he did it just to figure out that she was using him so he could break off a toxic relationship.