Ashes To Ashes – Episode 5

By | June 7, 2018

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2 years ago

Xavier is the best

James Caras
Reply to  user
7 months ago

He’s the cat’s meow.

3 years ago

Damon could best reflect a quote Meg (from Hercules) said about men. She said “They think no means yes and ‘Get lost!’ means ‘Take me! I’m all yours!'”. Indeed Ashley told him not to do this as he could hurt Lydia if he gets caught, though he dismisses it due to Lydia being occupied with her friends and she also told him to leave her alone yet he thinks it means she’s playing hard to get.

Bennett LeLacques
4 years ago

Delighted with Xavier’s facial expressions… One of the things that distinguish arcane cats from normal ones appear to be the vastly more complex muscles just around the eyes… Wonderful work!

5 years ago

I want to know from Sam if Damon was drunk or not when he was flirting with Ashley here. Even before entering the club, Damon was showing that he wanted to get out of his relationship with Lydia somehow one way or another.

5 years ago

I take back what I said about wanting Ashley to be gay. Harvey seems like a good guy and he’s giving her a chance to experiment with her sexuality.

6 years ago

Since Harvey was revealed to be Chris’s ex, Holly, this means that Damon has actually met two more gender-swapped people after the couple he gender-swapped in Halloween Switch. However, he has no idea that they were (to our knowledge). Don’t know if he will do the same thing he did to Robin and Riley given how he has not learned his lesson from Halloween Switch.

Reply to  Chromer
5 years ago

Didn’t honestly realize he was THAT Harvey

Reply to  Chromer
5 years ago

Hey! I didn’t know that! Please put a spoiler warning next time.

Reply to  Free
5 years ago

At this moment, he does not have to put a spoiler warning before making comments. No one has to. Right now, there is no precedent for doing such a thing. The topic of spoiler warnings has never been discussed here, everyone is free to talk about anything related to animation, comic or subject that’s currently being talked about. And since this is the first complaint I’ve heard about spoilers, I’m not sure where to go from there. Personally, I don’t think it’s a huge problem since the spoiler in question is revealed two episodes from now, on animations that have… Read more »

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  LinkandZelda4ever
4 years ago

How did that happen. Does he have magic, or did Isabella did Harvey a favor?

6 years ago


6 years ago

So far so good; its a good story. I’m waiting some real twist to happen here soon. Looks like the cat may be the one causing trouble here.