April 25, 2015: Weight Loss Finished!

By | April 25, 2015

It’s been a long time since I last did an update on my weight loss, and I’ve got very good news on it. I started last August when I weighed 225 pounds, now eight months later I’ve reached my goal of 170 pounds! (For people who use kilograms, that’s 102 kg to 77 kg)

Before After

I’ve never been this thin in my adult life, and sadly I don’t think I’ve been 170 since elementary school. It’s amazing to think of carrying around 55 more pounds, that’s like having a huge dumbbell strapped to your stomach. I’ve gone from wearing size XL to Small! I never thought I’d be able to wear a small anything in my life.

I’m pretty much done losing weight at this point, although I wouldn’t mind losing a few more pounds. However, this doesn’t mean I’m going back to junk food and never going back to the gym. I’m still going to watch my calories, but now eat enough to maintain my weight, and I’ll still be hitting the gym so I can stay fit.

Maybe at some point I can put together a guide to help other people who are trying to lose weight. It’s not easy, but it’s certainly possible. I’d also be happy to answer any questions about losing weight if you have any.

Anyway, after two-thirds of a year, I’m so glad I decided to stick with it to the end. Hopefully I never go back to the old me.

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9 years ago

Hi Foxx, I think that your weight loss in very insperational. I am just as you were. 225# and 5’10”, I would love to be able to get my weight back down to 170-175. Were you ever able to put together your guide for the rest of us out here who want to loose weight also? Posting it would be great so we could possibly download it or something like that.

9 years ago

Wow, great effort! You must have a lot of discipline. Good on you.

Barbara__ Cox
9 years ago

congratulations on your own personal transformation, excellent work. Looking at the after picture I think IU know where in inspiration for the look of Scott came from. Watch them doughnuts.

Reply to  Barbara__ Cox
9 years ago

He looks like Ron weasly

9 years ago

Looking good, Sam.

But you know what’s really weird? I just read your “Shifting Roommates” another time and when I saw your photos some toughts crossed my mind: “Hmmm… He got longer hair and he lost weight… HOLY SHIT IS HE TURNING INTO A GIRL?”

Yep, I have a really weird imagination. 🙂

Richards out!

9 years ago

Good job! That’s a big feat. I would be interested to hear how you did it.

9 years ago

You should weight more, you are not that small, you need more muscle man, it’s not good to be skinny 🙁

9 years ago

great job! I could use some help myself

Ashlyn Creamher
9 years ago

Are you going to transition???

Reply to  Ashlyn Creamher
9 years ago

What makes you say that?

Ashlyn Creamher
Reply to  GoldEagle
9 years ago

What do you think “makes me say that” ?

Reply to  Ashlyn Creamher
9 years ago

I don’t know. Why do you think he wants to transition?

Ashlyn Creamher
Reply to  GoldEagle
9 years ago

I never said “I think he wants too” do you?