Fractured Page 47

By | December 21, 2015

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2 years ago

wow matthew is really starting to look like a cute woman.

8 years ago

might be least interesting but so love his ass ๐Ÿ™‚

9 years ago

this guy by far is the least interesting. I wish he wasn’t in the comic ๐Ÿ˜›

Reply to  TeeracK
8 years ago

I’m sure he’ll get more interesting soon. Also, by the laws of logic, someone has to be the least interesting of the four. Thus far, it’s Matthew, but we’ll see if that remains for the duration of the series.

Reply to  AndreaSchraeder
8 years ago

Baring in mind we haven’t seen much of him lately

9 years ago

I went and look to see how many page was Matthew on. He was on the first 14 pages, 13, 14,18,19,42 and 47. Page 47 is the first time Matthew was on a page by himself. Kyle did very small on page 1 to 14. On page 8 to 14 he was sleep. Most of everything have happen o Blake and Evan. Blake and Evan have grow more hair than Matthew. Kyle and Matthew have very little change. Matthew more kyle. More to Blake and Evan. Matthew is the only Marry of the four.

fadzli idris
9 years ago

i think next time matthew should try his wife’s clothes..maybe she had some jeans that may fit himself perfectly..and feels more comfort than wear reduce size mens jeans..

Reply to  fadzli idris
8 years ago

Dem sweats that turn into leggings doe

9 years ago

And next those layers of clothes change

9 years ago

I hope I’m not the only one who’s hoping his wife is either secretly or unknowingly bisexual. I kinda want them to stay together.

Alaster Boneman
9 years ago

So evens got the most over all girl body so far but he is lacking acting overly feminine, the douch bag guy who slept with that other guys wife has got the closet to having tits and this guy has got an ass that won’t quite