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OMG i just had a brain wave but what if in the future Alana makes an appearance in the post awakening series
Iris passes the first round with flying colors, after defeating Madelyn, 49-25. She will face Kelly in round two.
Up next, Matchup No. 10! A little bit of Monica in my life! A little bit of Erica by my side! (Monica from Midnight Salon; Erica from No Hard Feelings)
(While Mambo No. 5 is just a song for us, Carlos treats the lyrics for that song like it’s scripture, damn, lol)
Well This confirms it Isabelle and Alana are cousins
My thoughts exactly.
And she would approve of this too.
oh definately im suprised she didnt turn him into a newt or let chris beat the crap out of him for being a scumbag
Nah probably a bimbo
I was thinking that too.
For once, Carlos isn’t necessarily wrong. He technically wasn’t with Alana’s cousin. But that really isn’t the point, is it? :3
What comes around, goes around.
Know your place, Carlos.
I’m sure that ladies man got punched in the face by cousin’s boyfriend
Hehe id have front row seats for that knowing who the boyfreind is
If it was Chris, he could of did worse, but he’s not like the women in his family or Izzy and her family. lol
This is turning into a battle of “AITA”