Only Fox Fridays Week 14

By | July 5, 2024

The Fourth of July might have come on Thursday this week, but that isn’t going to stop these six proud Americans from doing their patriotic duty!

It’s hard to believe that best-girl Chris has yet to appear in Only Fox Fridays. This female version of Chris originated from Substitute Perspectives. The other fan poll winner was Haley from The Great Jason Maverick. Rounding out the rest of this all-star American cast is Lindsey from Exchange Siblings and Pearl from the soon-to-be-completed miniseries College Try.

This week’s poll is one-shot themed!

Only Fox Fridays Week 15

  • Sylvana - Awakening (29%, 91 Votes)
  • Rosa - Backstage Pass (28%, 87 Votes)
  • Briana - Rookie Mistake (17%, 53 Votes)
  • Veronica - Ghosts of Emeralis (14%, 45 Votes)
  • Brenda - O Sister Where Art Thou (13%, 40 Votes)

Total Voters: 316

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Only Fox Fridays Week 13
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John Cena
2 months ago

Upon analysis, I have noted that Isabelle has the biggest breasts out of all of these girls!

Tg Guy
2 months ago

sorry who was christen again?

JD Washington
Reply to  Tg Guy
2 months ago

Female identity of Chris that appeared in the Beyond comic Substitute Perspectives, which is in an alternate timeline where Chris embraced being a woman.

Roslyn Hinton
3 months ago

The pictures of Lindsey and Christen look sexy. Since we have Janet and Taylor. I would like if we Could have more members of the crossfire that got transformed by the Glumine like Tel’Hili, Dayla, Arianne, Noreli, Garra and Tracey(D’ante)

3 months ago

God Bless America!

3 months ago

Happy Birthday America Whoo Hooo!!
No Taxation without representation!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

James Caras
3 months ago

They make me feel patriotic.

3 months ago

I have that same bikini or at least one extremely similar, wish I looked as good as them in it.

3 months ago

Surprised Sylvana didn’t win last week. Hoping my favorite villain wins this week!
Also hope everyone had a happy July 4th!

Last edited 3 months ago by aek