Exchange Siblings Page 129

By | September 17, 2023

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11 months ago

This got me thinking about this

JD Washington
11 months ago

Oh, now she wants him to “embrace it”?

Gee, thanks for that advice, Lindsey. I’m sure that’ll help with Hunter’s self-doubts a lot… /s

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  JD Washington
11 months ago

I swear she’s so sus.

Reply to  D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
11 months ago

Hmm, maybe she arranged the whole “finding” stones thing all along but had really bought them from some one of those back alley or mall sorcerers? That could explain the lack of interest in finding where they came from, what the sigils mean, what the deal with the spacesuits is: Hunter’s too passive to think to look, and Lindsey already knows. Still, I wouldn’t put odds on it.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  ChrisButNotChrisYoungOBV
11 months ago

So are you saying she might be trans, but didn’t wanna tell Hunter that?

That’s vile if that was the case.

Reply to  D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
11 months ago

No opinion about that, I was thinking more the scheme to have the weak subjects covered by the better student. But again, I wouldn’t put odds on it.

11 months ago

If you want more advice Hunter, ask Natalie about the recent change.

JD Washington
Reply to  kenwin07
11 months ago

I’d love to see any one of the Cinder Isle crew become a mentor to a transformed character. The latest episodes of Awakening proved that they’ve matured enough over the years.

Reply to  JD Washington
11 months ago

Just like Mariah and Tyler help Michael and Hannah

As well as Natalie being a great influence to Sophia for follow her footsteps to become the reporter

11 months ago

What’s up with the weird bodysuits when they change?

Reply to  JesFoxx3
11 months ago

(1) something to cover up what the Beyond subscribers get to see and (2) a mystery connected to the stones that has thus far remained unexplained! Seems more future-y, alien-y than just regular magic?

Reply to  ChrisButNotChrisYoungOBV
11 months ago

I would think the that its not so much about covering up because they are wearing matching shoes and there’s like a stone that each wear. It’s like they are being prepped for something alieny.

Reply to  JesFoxx3
11 months ago

Maybe but they really are naked for Beyond, so there’s nothing quite as strange to be explained for those readers.

Paul Sell
Reply to  JesFoxx3
11 months ago

The magical swimsuits are really only there to cover up their naughty bits during the transformation process. In the Beyond version, they’re completely naked while they transform. The main purpose of the swimsuits is that it makes censorship easier.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  JesFoxx3
11 months ago
