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Not even Satan would want you, Temptress.
So what is the point of sending you to Hell ?
Superior ? Yeah, right. Good job, Rookie.
“Whatsa they dooin?”
“The core Glumin has been killed. Look!” *steps a puddle*
“Dey all brookid!”
Don’t hold your breath!
You are Terminated!
If the core didn’t kill her, I’m certain the neutron bomb will. However, that would make a great cliffhanger for another comic series, wouldn’t it?
But…I think that the observation made by Noreli that the hybridized Glumine being dead (if not asleep/inactive) might indicate that the Temptress,Empress is dead?
What about all the colonists and the converted Zinarians? I presume that this will be done in order to prevent any further expanse of the Glumine Empire?
Yes. All of their deaths and fallen agents and mercs will be led at the feet of the Zinarians.
Nooo! ????
Do you always have delusions of grandeur, Alexandra ?
It doesn’t become you.