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There’s one thing that gots me puzzled; why not use this tech towards trans Zinarians that would love to have children and start families? No other race should be needed. This bs is just a rapist’s dream fantasy come true.
…Angel is next.
We finally know the long-term fate of Marco and Vanessa
I am wondering if the Zinarian has also shorten the gestation period so the baby machines can produce more offspring. I am assuming that they have increased the fertility of the women so they easily become pregnant. Since the Zinarian can make men into women who can have Zinarian babies then it would not be a stretch for them to make them more fertile.
It would be interesting how they plan to raise all of these babies. It would be like baby boomers on steroids.
This is enough information for now and Arianne get out of there before they notice
She will become a bimbo next. lol
It’s nice to get official confirmation at least. Those characters really are from that prequel one-shot.
But wait, with Vanessa here, that means we now know what happens if the victim of the Glumine was already a woman prior. And Arianne better be careful if she does not want to suffer the same fate as her…
The transformation time for woman would be a lot shorter than for men. They have all the basic equipment. They just have to be transformed to be able to mate with Zinarian.
Futile super Zinarian bimbo machine Arianne incoming…
boy airanne has hit the motherload . i hope that she doesn’t get captured by those guards .because that would be a bad thing right now. and before i forget happy thanksgiving.
yes she did. and you made a bad pun there what with all the mothers-to be in sight