Different Perspectives Page 15

By | October 16, 2014

“Chris and Holly are planning a trip down to California in a few weeks, but first they’re going out on a special date for Holly’s birthday. As they head out, Chris is wondering how he’s going to get his hands on her clothes. Once he does, he wants to go fully female this time.”

I had a big Maine Coon cat named Mr. Jingles for a few years. He was a great cat, so I’m honoring him with a role. 🙂

Different Perspectives Page 14
Different Perspectives Page 16
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2 years ago

sam i am so sorry . i had a cat that i was very fond of until she passed away her name was snoopy the 2 nd . she was a tortoise shelled colored cat and she was a part of my life as well and i will always miss her .

8 years ago

If I could look like eather one of them I would be happy

9 years ago

I had a solid black cat that wasd only 11 months and two weeks old that had met an un-timely death unde the wheels of a car doing too fast on our street, his name was boo boo, not to be thought of as Yogis little side kick.

Reply to  Vaughnstacy123
7 years ago

I miss Moonshine and Inky. They both live to a ripe old age.

10 years ago

please I am really sorry.

10 years ago

i am so sorry SF sir

10 years ago

Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!! Chris/Holly is at last FINALLY going to take the final plunge and finally go/or become ALL girl. I think she’ll enjoy herself. “Chris” is going to have to tell her secret to someone sooner or later. I think it would be better to have a friend and confident rather than getting caught and in trouble. And if Holly is accepting, and even all for it, all the better. I’d love to see Holly being told, and be really happy about it. And if that happens, I hope that she even wants the both of them to take that trip… Read more »

Reply to  Cartoonist
7 years ago

Wait for that time of the month.

10 years ago

I wonder if any women’s clothes work? or if it has to be a particular person’s. It would be interesting to have him go to a lingerie store and try on/become different sizes, and decide what he/she felt was her own…

10 years ago

wear collar, turn into mr tingles 😉