Favors and Followers Page 205

By | May 21, 2021

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Melissa Duarte
3 years ago

Me identifico com Luke, um conhecido descobriu que me visto de menina e me obrigou a ser sua mulher toda montada. Mas confesso que adorava

3 years ago

What if Cypher is one of the girls Lara hangs with?

Reply to  stacie402
3 years ago

Jacky comes to mind.

Reply to  stacie402
3 years ago

There’s no way that Cypher is a woman. The comic has stressed from the first scene with Cypher that he’s a man. Not to mention we’ve seen images of Cypher’s abs and dick.

Reply to  Zillatrek
3 years ago

Why’d this get down voted? He’s right.

D The Weeb To Magic Girl Dee
Reply to  stacie402
1 year ago

Lmfao as if. Cypher is a t girl chaser. Why would Ana or Jackie do this? Hell! How tf would they be able to do any of this when they aren’t tech geniuses either?

3 years ago

Pretty sure it’s Darren after this page. He even calls Lara babe just like they would hanging out together.

Reply to  Grapesandcds
3 years ago

Lol no way that they act nothing alike

Reply to  Grapesandcds
3 years ago

Cypher has hacked Luke’s phone. He knew long before this page that Luke and Lara are the same person. Not just from watching Luke undress from his Lara disguise, but from the texts he’s gotten from Luke.

Also, “babe” is just a generic affectionate nickname, like honey or sweetheart. Just because Cypher called Luke “babe” does not mean that it’s Darren.

Reply to  Zillatrek
3 years ago

My only issue with that is it seems too obvious, but it definitely could be.

Reply to  Grapesandcds
3 years ago

Also, if Darren were Cypher how did he get that package in front of Luke’s door that started this scene if Darren was with Luke all night and was driving away from Luke’s dorm at that moment? Cypher also acted like he was jealous that Luke spent the evening with Darren. If Cypher was Darren, why would Darren be jealous of himself?

James Caras
3 years ago

Karl is the only person to have access to Luke’s computer and app.
He wouldn’t be the first person to secretly be in the closet.

Reply to  James Caras
3 years ago

He doesn’t need to have had access to Luke’s computer and phone previously in order to hack it. He can do all that stuff remotely. Which means Karl having previous access to Luke’s tech doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s Cypher.

3 years ago

What next?

3 years ago

oh my

3 years ago

still think Cypher is only in Luke’s head

Reply to  john
3 years ago

Karl has had to clear Luke’s phone to protect it. Karl definitely picked up malware, which shows signs that Cypher exists. If Cypher were just in Luke’s head, that malware wouldn’t be there. Also, Cypher has given Luke money to buy outfits. That money didn’t just appear out of thin air. It had to come from somewhere and Luke didn’t previously have that money.

Cypher is most definitely real.

Reply to  Zillatrek
3 years ago

Cypher is real but only in Luke’s head , he could of put malware in his own phone and plenty of people have sent him money . The only person to see Cypher so far is Luke

Reply to  john
3 years ago

If Cypher is only in Luke’s head, then he’s not real. That would mean Cypher is a figment of Luke’s imagination. Which he is not. That would mean he’d have no power in the real world, but Cypher has done things that no one else can do. He gave Luke money from streaming before anyone else did. Luke bought outfits with the money he got from Cypher. At that point, no one else had given Luke enough money to go buy nice looking clothes, just a few bucks here and there. Also, Luke putting malware on his own phone doesn’t… Read more »

3 years ago

Cypher = Karl.

Reply to  foxxlover
3 years ago

And he gets off on Luke, not Lara!