“The cast of Different Perspectives makes their return, this time in animated form. Set in the summer after DP ended, during the events of Fractured, what trouble will Chris, Jessica, Christina, Holly, and Isabelle get into?”
“The cast of Different Perspectives makes their return, this time in animated form. Set in the summer after DP ended, during the events of Fractured, what trouble will Chris, Jessica, Christina, Holly, and Isabelle get into?”
At the end of ep 12 alistair sees something, are you going to make a other ep/serie(s)
The Night Is Young is sort of a sequel.
I made some fanart of Isabelle from this series a few years ago.
when does this take place in the timeline? You guys should really make a chronological order on these thing you know!
There is a timeline for most Sapphirefoxx stories set within this universe. The most recent timeline can be found on the first page of Godmother. Matchmaker takes place a few months after Different Perspectives ends and most of the events of Fractured have wrapped up.