Godmother Page 222

By | August 21, 2018

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1 year ago

just when oliver thought that lorraine had told him everything she forgets one little detail that she could have prevented caroline’s personality from taking over his life. just so that she could get to spend a little more time with her daughter.

2 years ago

Its good she finally came clean about what she can do. Maybe things will improve… That carriage in the tweet is just about the only part that doesn’t match up with one of my favorite Summer vacation spots. Only down side is its in Colorado and near where a couple families of bear like to bring up their cubs.

5 years ago

so can all magic users make money appear out of thin air, if not then how is Lorraine so rich

6 years ago

Probably supper comfortable to

6 years ago

Oh man, that hammock looks awesome!

Reply to  coredumperror
6 years ago

Exactly what I was just thinking! Man, I should get a hammock…

Heather Rose
6 years ago

OK I see a possible ending Oliver becomes Olivia full time and changes between herself and Caroline’s for visits with Lorraine, making tons of money on the side is a bonus and Brooke becomes Olivia’s roommate and lover.

Reply to  Heather Rose
6 years ago

i agree with the first part
the only problem is how Brooke will react to Oliver becoming Olivia and sometime Caroline
i’m sure she would like to have Oliver “24/7”

Reply to  Mntna90li_2
6 years ago

Or Olivia ?

Heather Rose
6 years ago

Don’t trust her Oliver. Run away Run now.

Reply to  Heather Rose
6 years ago

i feel like Lorraine is becoming more sincere
maybe she is gonna have a moment where she think of making Oliver-Caroline permanently again

6 years ago

aye and yay 6th comic u know what that means(godmother is coming to a end in the near future) but ima reread prolly and makers game havent done it yetr but ive reseen the other comics but lorrain im glad came clean but also everything kinda makes sense