Maker’s Game Page 438

By | January 6, 2018

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1 year ago

it’s official yuzuki has found the man of her dreams in leon . i was wondering when will leon’s family get to meet his girlfriend.

6 years ago

Yuzuki with her Asian features bares a striking resemblance too another Asian cutie that is one of the main characters in the popular long running comic Fractured he/she is known by the name known as Evan/Eva that became smoking hot after her/he’s transformation was completed, think that Eva by far turned out to become the most beautiful of the women [ Matthew did not want to live out his life as a female].

James Caras
Reply to  Vyonne
6 years ago

Eva is more well endowed.

Reply to  James Caras
6 years ago

And older.

Reply to  Vyonne
4 years ago

Tbh she resemble Miyuki more than Eva.

6 years ago

Just seeing the number 2016 is giving me the shivers sheesh!

Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

Leon’s face looks weird in the last panel, I think the lack of an eye is what puts me off, and I should be seen from that angle.

Reply to  Levi D Dalv
6 years ago

In the Star trek episode called Charlie X from the original series makes this female’s face disappear using magic he learned from living with a race of highly advanced aliens who taught him from birth to survive on their planet .

6 years ago

I am going have to say no to an uncensored web site, I am very satisfied with my $5.00 comic version, the $15.00 price tag is just a tad too much beyond my means to pay to be able to some god looking Foxx babe give a Foxx hunk a blow job, or get to see Isabelle’s tight pussy, or Scott’s nine inch love muscle that Jamie was doing her version of the old classic ” One big Popcycle”

Reply to  Vyonne
6 years ago

I personally agree.

Reply to  Vyonne
6 years ago

well, the good news is that its completely optional and separate from what we have right now. so no obligations for you to join it.

6 years ago

How cool for them !!!

James Caras
6 years ago

I still think the DSC director is going to nab Isabelle.

Reply to  James Caras
6 years ago

Theres no time left in this comic. Were already to the epilogue

Reply to  James Caras
6 years ago

You think the DSC director is going to mess with Alistair? If she does recognize Isabelle, she’d be a fool to nab her.

Reply to  Foxfan
6 years ago

Yes Alistair, defiantly put the DSC bitch in a hurt locker.

6 years ago

nice a second website!!! not sure if I will partake but, sounds fun!!!!!